Monday, August 29, 2011

Humane Meat? No Such Thing

After reading the article i actually had to sit back and ask myself should i still be eating meat from animals that have been slaughtered. According to research done by Sunaura Taylor, many different people have different views about rather it is right to take the life of an animal so that we can eat meats. I have to agree with both sides, i feel like if there was a way for us to still be able to produce meats without the slaughtering of millions of animals, then i think it would be better and the ( vegans ) would have a better argument. Also for the people who our with killing the animals for meat, they should really look at should the animals have a choice to rather they live or die. Throughout this article both sides put up pretty good arguments. What caught me the most was how she compared human disibilities to the slaughtering of these animals. By saying that many of the animals used are marked disabled, because they are bred to be mutant producers of meat, milk, and eggs. Most of these animals are unable to function in many other ways. She also said that animals are thinking feeling beings, and often with complex emotions, abilities, and relationships. I feel that the animals should have a choice to rather they should live or die. I dont feel like any living thing should be forced into slaughter. But at the same time i am a meat eater.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Five Questions

1. I am from Lexington, Ky i am twenty seven years old. I come from a family three boys and one girl, i am the youngest child.
2.I've never really been interested in writing. This is my third semester of college and i feel like i am doing a whole lot better as a writer.
3. Ever since my first child my whole life has done an complete turn in the right direction my son is the most important thing in the world to me.
4. I am in college so that i can better myself, also so i can provide a better life for me and my son.
5. I love listening to rap music, my favorite rap artist is Yo Gotti.